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Introducing, Connie Loizos, Introducing #CS183c (Blitz Scaling)

by Larry Chiang on September 14, 2015

Larry Chiang wrote about an MBA program he crashed. It made the New York Times best seller list while he was moonlighting as a New York Fashion Week supermodel. On 09-09-09, the months-and-months of pre launch promotion paid off. What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School came full circle when Stanford engineering liked, “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School” enough to bring the street smart concept into the fold. Gain an entrepreneurship advantage by learning business administration from the Computer Science department.

New York Fashion Week is Sept 10-17, 2015. I will be there with Nike dry-fit, on
— Larry Chiang

By Larry Chiang

Think of this blog post as being on the inside Stanford Engineering, looking in. {Remember, I am the guy who helped you with your FICO credit score by giving the inside scoop on HOW TO stack overflow your Experian-Equifax-Trans Union grid, with positive credit data :-} 

The class,  cs 183C,  #cs183C will be significant in that it is the first foray for an engineering school to do a strait BA class. BA stands for business administration. For all things “masterful” in business admin…

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Learn #cs183C – @StanfordEng‘s class on BA (business admin)…

Stanford Engineering has previously encroached on business school education. School of engineering has done entrepreneurship education. By my expert pattern recognition, the best entrepreneurship classes spin out of engineering school. 



TechCrunch (@TechCrunch)
Reid Hoffman to Teach “Blitzscaling” at Stanford This Fall

While blitz scaling is a new jargon, the class attacks a problem that faced managing staff at the construction of Beijing China’s Great Wall or Chinese railroad workers: the Business Administration of a massive workforce where no one knows anyone’s name. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Stanford Students: Apply to #cs183C C: (-D, #cs183e, and… (for 🐥’s sake, yes waitlist

To repeat, stanford students should apply to enroll:


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Non Stanford Students: Apply to #cs183C (“c” comes after B and before D, #cs183e, and… cc: #cs183b

Non Stanford students are invited to attend: Apply here for a spot. Let me repeat, if you’re at Cal, you can join if you apply and get accepted


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Connie Loizos @TechCrunch – Great scoop @Cookie! I tipped this to Gabe bc I see it’s significant. There is more in the hashtag #cs183c
cc Chris Yeh
(b)cc Nick Austin Lee, #csMajorCRO, who codes and sells.

Set the #ENGR145 bell curve


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