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In The Media

Jessica Dickler, Schrodinger’s Wave Equation, His Cat and Your Credit Score

by Larry Chiang on July 27, 2016

By Larry Chiang
Engineers know about Shrodinger’s cat and the HBO #SiliconValley episode about the trapped museum worker. Basically, checking on the health or status of something affects the cat
Shrodinger’s Wave Equation positively affects your FICO credit score*

Memo to obsessive compulsives: Checking your credit score a lot may improve it 

*See Jessica Dickler’s Twitter feed for the article at 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Schrodingers. Cat. #CreditScore 

CNBC syndicates to Bank Rate (Robert Heady’s bankrate Monitor)

Bankrate (@Bankrate)
Surprise! Frequent credit score checks improve it  @CNBC @jdickler 

Remember, checking your own credit report is counted as a consumer inquiry and not a credit inquiry. 

Chargeoffs- duck credit code “9”, a chargeoff. Here Ms Dickler shows that small student debts owed to private, for profit schools charge-off pretty often. 

Jessica Dickler (@jdickler)
Great read: The heart of the student debt crisis is all about the smallest numbers @DKThompā€¦

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