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Joël Franusic on Signs Your Startup Is Doomed

by Larry Chiang on April 17, 2020

By Larry Chiang
By taking half stock and half cash, you’re investing in your startup. You didn’t invest capital. But like a vc, you have a vested interest in the common stock. 
When that stock rises, you get rich
If that stock goes to zero, you’re just left with the salary they paid you. Much of the compensation at a startup job is via stock compensation and appreciation. 
Knowing about deep underground capital knowledge helps if you see signs your startup is doomed 
“I was 17 when I got my first job. I kept seeing signs that the company was doomed, but dismissed them reasoning “I’m just inexperienced”
– Joël Franusic

Joël Franusic (@jf)
I was 17 when I got my first job. I kept seeing signs that the company was doomed, but dismissed them reasoning “I’m just inexperienced”
Joël Franusic (@jf)
#signsyourcompanyisdoomed: you have 20+ customers, each customer has their own source control repository
Joël Franusic (@jf)
#signsyourcompanyisdoomed: Most of your code is written by consultants.

Most of your code is written by consultants.

This is bad because you’re not agile at all. 

Joël Franusic (@jf)
#signsyourcompanyisdoomed: After raising a round of funding from a bank, the founders both buy personal homes, BMWs, and build a new office

Cash conservation is key

Joël Franusic (@jf)
I don’t know if it’s a sign of a doomed company per-se, but I can’t remember ever interacting with the founders of the startup referenced above. 

In comparison, I’ve had frequent and meaningful interactions with the founders of subsequent startups, even when they grew large.

Blogged from my personal iPhone, 650-283-8008, number that Steve Jobs texted me on

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