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In The Media

LCRRM, Nashville Bitcoin Conference and Texas State Gift Cards for Cameron

by Larry Chiang on July 8, 2024

There’s nothing in your Eventbrite’s that
✅  explaining LCRRM
✅ doing LCRRM 
You don’t have return on investment, ROI, for your $1000+ business trip.
Solution: organize a networking event that helps other people get their return on investment
Protocol: my mentor helped me get return on investment back when I thought about money, and money issues and making my first $1 million. These are the protocols. These are the signature business recipes: #EUTWMPPM. #LCRRM. #GuaguaGuacamole Recipe Number 4 And 11
LinkedIn, I don’t sell API’s, my body or even children’s notebooks. I don’t sell cute little monster notebooks.
What I do sell is 14 business recipes that I got from a book written in 1983. I sell these recipes for zero dollars.
Excuse me, I hard sell these free recipes and even took the time to rebrand the business recipes from 1983 to be called Gua Gua guacamole
KWn5HNMY_normal.jpg spacer.png
Larry Chiang, 650-283-8008

#ch8 { karma
#ch2 (tithing 
#ch5 [ mentorship 

cc #ch13 Trustees

Hat tip Texas State Chapter 11, failing forward. I hope you get picked in a high round

Hat tip honorary Asian Kobe Bryant for “soft” p 57 Austin Kleon’s book

8/5/23, 12:43 PM
WordPress’d over 9000 pictures filed into 14 categories or “chapters”

Larry Chiang, 650-283-8008
From an emotional stand point, how did Cameron react when you dropped that $100 gift card atop his head?!

That was #LCRRM btw

Had the $100 on me at Kendra Scott

Once you stop being thankful

Energy no longer flows
#ch4. #ch13

8/6/23, 9:20 AM

WordPress’d from my personal iPhone, 650-283-8008, number that Steve Jobs texted me on

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