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Lead Generation Basics LeadGen 101

by Larry Chiang on May 12, 2015

By Larry Chiang, curator #ENGR145s feed

At some point in your engineering careers, you will need to practice and experience for yourself the thrill of doing “Lead generation”.
I do not care if you never want to be a founder. 
Doing leadGen is fun and you better experiment as an undergrad because 
/1/ it’s fun
/2/ it’s a rush
/3/ once you’re old, you’ll scoff at those having a good time!

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
“LeadGen 101”. How to take a piece of food and parlay it into a lead.

Intellectually, you take a piece of food and exchange it for personal information. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Cupcake #LeadGen works so well that TC banned it’s use at #TCdisrupt May 4-6…

TC is TechCrunch

TC Disrupt is where engineering founders launch their startup. 

Launch Your Startup at SXSW for $880 Plot spoiler: cupcakes are involved Gigaom has an article about sxsw. It’s a tech conference where Startups launch 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
I want @clarashih, author of Facebook Era, to say “lead gen” #aoss09 #leadgen
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
“Free food = 1st stage premium” @jacobmullins‘ #leadgen funnel from Vbeat #fbFund and on my lead gen panel


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
I get ROI out of my @SlideShare account #leadgen

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
U know about #mmpqq Josh McFarland? It’s #AmexDuck9 for #LeadGen (but w the kids getting 100% comm!) RT @crazyfoo: Great deal! #AmexAmazon

Josh went from being a lead to generating leads. Will you try to generate one or two leads!?

Try promoting Jeremy Piven’s movie
Sell a $13 movie ticket for $13 and give away a cupcake. Tweet after u sell one. I’ll bet either him @jeremyPiven, @mrDougEllin or me retweet you. 

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