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Life Hack for Stanford Engineering Stud Student Athletes

by Larry Chiang on November 2, 2019

Larry Chiang mentors people to get a Jedi in Business Administration. A JBA is where you seem like a Jedi doing mind tricks. Chiang’s best trick is getting Mark McCormack and Irv Grousbeck to mentor him. “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School” is the basis for this Life Hack for stud Student Athletes in the Engineering School.

Larry Chiangby Larry Chiang

On campus, it’s a hit parade of VIP speakers.

Why is it only the stud student athletes who google who the speaker is!? Why do they treat Larry Chiang speaking on campus like hitting the scout team QB. Life hack = prepare to win at the interaction between an expert brain and our little brain.

What life hacks do you know about that I need to know about?

LARRY CHIANG: I tape measure measurements inside a Victoria’s Secret using measuring tape. This is a value added function I perform. BECAUSE WHO BRINGS MEASURING TAPE OUT WHEN THEY GO TO THE STANFORD MALL.

googled you and your #stramgt353 syllabus.

saw you speak

I took an action

I emailed you about the action I took.

(No response.)

I read your book.

I summarized life changes. Based on #WTDTYAHBS, I mapped out 33 “signature business recipes” that are infamous as #GuaGuaGuacamole protocols

These vectors had a delta as documented via wordpress. A delta is a change like we learned in #ChemEng297

I just gmail alerted you by publishing a WordPress blog post by

Larry Chiang @duck9 (@LarryChiang)
Life hack.

I saw you speak

I took an action

I emailed u

(No response.)

I read your book.

I summarized life changes

These vectors had a delta as documented via wordpress

I just gmail alerted you by my #MMPPI

Re Peat.

What is going to blow your mind is that you don’t even need to be recruited by Stanford University to get the knowledge, the venture capital, the networks and the full arsenal of resources Stanford just gives you because Stanford is giving of it all to everyone.

What I mean.

Irv Grousbeck. His syllabus is online. His cellphone number is just sitting on a PDF. This is #stramgt353

Ditto Tom Kosnik. The #ENGR145, Technology Entrepreneurship, class has syllabus online. His phone number is just clearly published.

Are you gonna prestudy the Colorado Buffalos before November 9 at 12, noon!? Of course you study film before engaging into the secondary’s network.

#tightEndU is where you prepare using #CS183Pqrst.

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