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Meltem Demirors and Ari Paul

by Larry Chiang on August 21, 2017

Learn via tweetstorms I curate. 

Meltem Demirors (@Melt_Dem)
another day another twitter poll! for my fellow #ICO investors, how often do you read and review the project’s whitepaper before investing?


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Melt_Dem It’s scary that reading a white paper is considered deep diligence.  Standard should include researching the team, competitors, stage of dev


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem It usually takes smart people 12-18 months from when they first hear about cryptocurrency to understand the fundamental value proposition.


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem 1/ The core use case: cryptocurrency is the first and only asset in human history that can’t be seized or depreciated.


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem 2/ Consider that Indians just had their wealth confiscated via demonetization, in South Korea you can’t take your money beyond the borders.


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem 3/ Argentinians face seizure via capital controls + inflation, Russians and Chinese face arbitrary seizure by corrupt judges and politicians


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem 4/ Even in the US, we have civil asset forfeiture – the confiscation of your property without due process or trial.


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem 4/ Even in the US, we have civil asset forfeiture – the confiscation of your property without due process or trial.


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem 5/ What’s the demand for a store of wealth that can’t be seized, demonetized, capital controlled, or printed into oblivion?


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem 6/ AND…that also can’t be stolen if properly stored, can be transferred for <$10 and <20 minutes anywhere in the world.


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem 7/ To find a floor for that fundamental demand, add up every Cayman and Swiss bank account, every hidden bar of gold. $15 trillion+ minimum


Ari Paul (@AriDavidPaul)
@Teleos @Melt_Dem You’re 4 years late on the tulips analogy Chris. The DAO was buggy code with too must trust, but its valuation was exactly = to NAV.


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