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Open Bars at SXSW or Open Checkbooks

by Larry Chiang on March 16, 2016

By Larry Chiang
There were a few VIPs that are in Austin. Some were too busy to come even though they were invited to speak. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
if youre at #sxsw trying to score open bars, youre networking wrongly

Network with Ron Conway one of three ways

-1- cold email him. 
It’s first name and fund name dot com. Like Larry @duck9 dot com except it’s Ron. 
/2/ luke-warm email him
Email him and cc me
/3/ Warmest, email, him.
Warm email Ron Conway via me and (y)our entrepreneurship execution at sxsw. If you’re doing awesome at a very competitive, very expensive south by, he wants to meet CS major CEO’s who have a CS major CRO, co-founder. 
Let me repeat. Ron Conway’s brand depends on meeting CS major teams w/ a CEO’s that sells. Do well by making money at SXSW. “Killing it at sxsw” does not equal attending VIP parties, although that helps ~> Acing SXSW means…
(A) doing EUTWMPPM 
(b) doing HTMMWYMM 
{C} executing Lec 14; #CS183s

Get to googling and take notes on these two Stanford engineering videos. 

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