Playing the Facebook Game Hurts Your YC Startup 9 Ways
by Larry Chiang on March 20, 2015
By Larry Chiang
Tim Chang (no relation LOL) gave a keynote about Gamification. He spoke on using your smartphone as a remote control for the real world. Well, that stuck because that’s cool. But YC kids are GETTING remote controlled.
If you’re 18-26 in YC you’re a kid. If you’re older than 30 you’re a dinosaur I wanted to call this “
Facebook’s Surprising Entrepreneur Undertow Surprises No One at My Level”
Let’s keep the title as the focus…,
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Sales friction is real enough that you don’t need the friction of a fB fan page that kinda doesn’t convert #Ch6
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
The fB messaging ratios are 1:1.
That’s not how I hit 28 inflection pts The mentee mentor messaging ratios are 5:1 at first. 5+ per #ch5
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Facebook, fB, messaging ratios are 1:1 w cohorts.
Kids panic when even one message is unrequited Networking #Ch4 Mentorship #ch5
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Starting startups are hard. Its front end loaded. I’ve commented 30+ times on a single fB
Startups are about starting #ch9 Entrepreneurship
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Lol @sgblank‘s “customer development” doesn’t work by friend requesting randoms. #ch6Get out of the bldng. Get off fB #ch4
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Promotion work Starting work Attacking getting a beachhead work …isn’t fB work Sales work #EUTWMPPM is easy but monotonous #ch6
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
PG stressed and re-stressed, “do things that don’t scale (BHM)”. Lec3, #CS183B. YC kids R wired in fB construct & mind-set #dttdsBHM
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
NLP You can’t run that game on fB! Neuro Linguistic Programming Grinder and Bandler and Robbins are my mentors
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
People booty fB each other!
Being able to land ass using the fB Friction Free Ass Model is great for booty. Bad for biz #ch6 #Gamification
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Voice calling Voice mailing Receptionist hacking Phone tree hackin #fsRocks conf room-2-room sales calls LOST Arts bc fB! (& Cell # getting!
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
On fB everyone is a star
Being a star keeps you from starting a twitter account where 2’ll fllw U. Friction to executing #LTMVTA
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
fB keeps you from selling old, rich, alpha, fossils via email bc people eff up CC, BCC
I blame “fB booty call with no calling req’d” #ch7
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Entrepreneurship, the enormous task of starting a startup is a pride swallowing experience fB dissuades u bc 0 like u doing PG’s #dttdsBHM
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
A vector is a direction + magnitude. fB is verrrrry ADD
Focus is tough on any founder Execution is tough. fB gives no positive feedback
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
On fB, I pattern recognize many to be a hawt girl, MBA2. Dangerous bc we hot girls di-worse-ify bc FB pulls us 15 popular “vectors”
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Fb causes potential founders to juxtapose telephone number sequence and email address, addie
Memorizing is a brain muscle So’s focus
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Fb encourages IM gestalt patterns in the text messaging world. It alienates the fossils who run the economy. Old white dudes like me.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Fb blows up phones with notifications more than when I sold a billion dollar startup that I did not own
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) |
Screaming into an abyss w/o reciprocity = startup starting. #ch6 #Ch9
On fB, if you don’t get 33 likes “I’m removing that ppic”