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Red Pill’d Orange Pill

by Larry Chiang on March 19, 2021

By Larry Chiang
Blue Pilled ~> Red Pill’d 
Blue Pilled ~> Orange Pill
Blue pill truths are things that seem true but just are not. For example, the Federal Reserve is not federal nor does it have a reserve. For example, you do not need to fall into debt in order to have a high FICO score. 
Red pill. Red pill truths are hard to swallow. They go against your intuition. For example, the University of Illinois is lower quality than Stanford but is actually harder. For example, Elsa the Victoria Secret model is both cool and hot. For example, it does not take money to make money. For example, it’s not go big or go home. It’s #AllBiscuitNoRisk it
Loser blue pills think, “No risk it, no biscuit”
Red pill winners think: 
Sell it first and then buy it. 
Now the orange pill is even more jagged. If people are taking a blue pill daily, the orange pill will be very very hard to even put in your mouth let alone swallow. 
Swallow more blog posts I published from my personal iPhone, 650-283-8008, that Steve Jobs texted me on. You can’t subscribe 
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Purple Pill |             Orange Pill

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