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In The Media

Rent-To-Own Startup That Reduces Homeownership Friction

by Larry Chiang on March 8, 2016

Larry Chiang helps you own real estate with ‘no cash out of pocket’ because of his Jedi in Business Administration ( J.B.A.). Take that $500k you saved from a house ($250k) and an MBA ($250k) and bank all of it because neither Larry Chiang nor his mentor, Mark McCormack, went to Harvard Business. They both espouse, “get a house and an MBA for FREE”. It is “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“, but now teach at Stanford Engineering. Similar to a credit bureau dispute written in sharpie on a #10 envelope, Reducing Homeownership Friction is “CS183PITI”.

Larry Chiangby Larry Chiang

Real estate!!!

Owning real estate is tougher when your FICO is low.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
note to self when back from vacay: Blog @duck9 “Rent-to-own”

Owning requires you to afford the P.I.T.I.

Principal, Interest, Taxes & Insurance.


TechCrunch (@TechCrunch)
Roofstock launches marketplace for purchasing rented homes by @Katie_Roof

RTO = “Rent-to-own”
Profit is hidden when the RTO would-be owner defaults. Regular profit is where renter pays above market price to rent. A small portion goes to down payment. 
Hidden landlord cost = eviction. 
Silicon Valley Bank (@SVB_Financial)
Congrats to the @roofstock team!…


Sleep Where Larry Chiang Slept

Los Angeles, CA, United States

This room is at “Collab House” and is called *Gua Gua Guacamole*. It is awesome. Inside your private bath, there are entrepreneur recipes so that you can do what I do (and make it look easy). The q…

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