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Sequencing Startup Classes at Stanford University

by Larry Chiang on September 18, 2014

By Larry Chiang
There is a new entrepreneurship class at Stanford, CS 183(B): “How to start a startup”. It is taught by YC president Sam Altman.
Here is what to pay attention to, what things mean and how it will turn out. At first I wholeheartedly agreed with Steve Blank!
steve blank (@sgblank)
You don’t learn how to start a company sitting in a classroom listening to guys who made a billion $’s They didn’t…

And this view that stresses practice over theory.

steve blank (@sgblank)
@moritzplassnig @tydanco learning sex education in a classroom is helpful but you don’t truly learn until you combine theory with practice.

Now, I’m forming a different opinion.

Stanford University first taught street smarts in a class* and innovated by inducing execution of entrepreneurship. Previously, entrepreneur education was warehousing ideas, theory, war stories and concepts.
That is what CS 183B is.
It’s an introduction to starting up a startup. CS 183(B) is the series of Tuesday YC dinners.
*Professor Tom Kosnik’s class stressed “street smarts”
Also, pay attention to the class nomenclature. “CS 183B” implies that there is or was a CS 183A…
CS 183A is just CS 183. Which is “Startup Engineering” taught by Peter Thiel. Peter Thiel taught CS 183 Spring quarter 2012. There are lecture notes at the hashtag #CS183
Sam Altman’s class #CS183B #CS183(B) has video uploads of the Fall 2014 quarter. Download all 19 lectures for free EVEN IF YOU ATTEND MIT
Jermain Kaminski (@jermainkaminski)
“How to Start a Startup” Class #CS183B by @sama in Fall ’14. All lecture videos will be uploaded to


I am in the camp where I think CS 183B is a good intro class that previews the theory
The MS&E class “Technology Entrepreneurship”, ENGR 145, and the hashtag #ENGR145 has two anchor videos. The videos contain hashtagged subroutines for Stanford students to p-r-a-ct-i-c-e “StartUpery” (Bob Metcalfe’s wprd.
These business subroutines are signature business recipes ENGINEERED to move you to the right on the student-athlete-founder bell curve
Is a bit ly I memorized that links to a dozen hashtags summarized in the below video
Tweet: “Watched
cuz I’m in #CS183B” and I, @larrychiang, will retweet you :-))
In conclusion, be as street smart as this
11 year old
and sequence your Entrepreneurship Education by
/1/ Taking CS 183B at Nvidia TUES thurs 1:05pm -2:00pm. Nvidia is obvi at Huang Engineering Bldng
/1b/ leading a study group for 183B if you go to UT, U of U, U of T, Cal or Urbana. Classes are loaded up at
/1c/ Talk, talk until you are blue balls.
/2/ Self-studying CS 183 by reading the Blake Masters notes
(Email me for the links first name @my company dot com)
/3/ Taking ENGR 145 winter w/Tom Byers or Spring w/Chuck Eesley
/3a/ PQRST-ing ENGR 145 by seeing the Lisa Falzone videos on YouTube
/3b/ Lisa Falzone was a student of Tom Kosnik’s GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Marketing) that as a student-athlete Founder, self studied ENGR145.
/3c/ I organized a Lisa Falzone mentorship event where student athletes mentor student athletes. It was at a Student Athlete facility with permission from the previous Athletic Director, Bob Bowlsby
Her notes are all on YouTube because I held the camera
The Stanford cease and desist is my facebook cover page Re February 26, 2013
I did not involve the new athletic director Bernard Muir because my asking for permission to have Lisa Falzone, alum, speak to undergrads would be a transfer of risk.
As a student athlete, I experienced first hand academic and startup opportunity discrimination.
/3c/ Seek out Lisa Falzone’s blog posts
Next step in the Stanford sequence of startup education
/4/ Take ENGR 245
Does Steve blank teach it?!
/5/ Audit or Re-take ENGR 145 this summer by asking Tom Kosnik
/6/ Go back and review ENGR 145 lectures where I had students lecturing during class.
The videos of student undergrads speaking are on a playlist on YouTube I curated.
/7/ review the notes I took that I’ll use to teach in 2060 when I retire from practicing entrepreneurship
My notes:
/8/ Do some charity work and install CS 183B at Cal
You see the cardinal red shirts that say “CAL sucks”
That is like kicking the retarded kids on the short bus. Stop bullying and support CalEweek [{Cal Entrepreneurship Week} I founded California Entrepreneurship Week #CalEweek at the Stanford Mall]

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