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Silicon Hills News, Baby Entrepreneurship, UT Entrepreneur Week as a Live Action Business Case Study (LABCS 3323)

by Larry Chiang on October 4, 2014

By Larry Chiang
Theory into practice is a tender topic.
In the execution of entrepreneurship education, using a street smart method, in a classroom, I am a primary innovator. My work started 2010 inside ENGR145. My work is the continuation of Mark McCormack’s mentorship. 
For example, MITeWeek (LABCS 3324. 
For example, Stanford E Week #StanfordEweek LABCS 3321
For example UTeWeek (LABCS 3323
(Oh, almost forgot #CalEweek LABCS 3322:-)
Here is University of Texas, Entrepreneur Week

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
#UTeWeek LABCS 3323
University of Texas Entrepreneur Week…

Who does Sandhill Road PR for UT kids?

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Omg, I really am “an institution of Silicon Valley”. Lol #UTeWeek on SF ch2 #KTVU #LABCS3323 #LABCS…

Do you wanna make a grand or 17?! Sell those douchie VCs housing by hosing them for $500 /night

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
LABCS 3323 = #UTeWeek #LABCS #LABCS3323 (UT co-founder sold Airbnb sxsw hosing Silicon Valley VCs )

SxSW is annually during all y’all’s spring break.

SiliconHillsNews (@SiliconHillsNew)
Baby entrepreneurship, here…

Another set of examples for “entrepreneur theory into execution”

– YC “startup school” is theory. 
Larry chiang Startup Academy (at Texas) is the execution
For example, CS 183 and CS 183B are theory, #CS183Do is the execution
For example, Stanford Business School’s “Entrepreneurship GSB Mixer” was talking. Stanford Athletics #StanfordEweek was pattern replicating Lisa Falzone’s startup (It went so well that two different departments shut down the athletic dept*
See the February 26, 2013 cease and desist that I use as my Facebook cover photo. Lol, that’s not a recommendation letter)
For example, engr 145 was, by design, execution oriented. It’s a class started in 2003 by Tom Byers and I think Randi Komisar. Now, it’s more executorial (if that’s not a word, I made it up. Cuz I speak American 🙂
For example, the gmac car loan seminar. Yup, I sold cars in the summers between engineering school and one Christmas season for Jay Prassel. I executed the theory of car loans for Duck9’s leadGen effort

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