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Spend That Engr 145 or, and CS 183e Profit on Stanford FANFE

by Larry Chiang on March 7, 2016

By Larry Chiang
Problem: The Profit from a Stanford Class Has Tax Consequence
Old Solution = Don’t execute and do not get validation via sales. 
New solution: spend your #cs183e profit at #cs183fanfe See…
If piano execution and piano music lessons were entrepreneurship education, there would be a 7-10 year period where students would be prohibited from touching keys. Because then sound would get produced which could have a taxable outcome #cs183tax solves that by spending that profit over at #cs183fanfe
Tax is real. 
Tax is “What They Used To Not Teach at Stanford Engineering School of Entrepreneurship”. 
– Schedule c
– 1099 the money in and out
– basic proprietorship. 
Well here you go: “Zero it out”. Zero out and make zero your positive profit by forcing function the money out. Money in -money out =Profit. Now find a place on campus to spend $15-20 grand

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Strait up F.A.N.F.E. #cs183fanfe (u self fund tuition w/$$ u made doing #cs183e @FSAustin #SelfFundSellFun cc #cs183c…

Or just keep taking piano lessons where you are not touching keys. 

Here is how to get to profitability

Here is how to set the bell curve. You get $200 in sales (also known in the piano industry as actually touching the keys). Yes, do and execute a $200 sale. 

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