By Larry Chiang
I pay attention to pictures and try to extrapolate mentors. As a hobby I go to after party’s of games, also known as press conferences and track the metric #MMPPI. Sometimes a mentor is stated by name…, often the mentor is alluded to by nickname. Either way, I listen and take notes.
Here is an invitation to get mentored on June 10’s “NFL’s Women’s Clinic”
Stanford Football (@StanfordFball) | |
NFL’s @samrap10 to discuss football & inclusion at our June 10 Women’s Clinic. Limited spots remain:
NFL’s @samrap10‘s hands are in the prefect position to toss a spiral (as per Tom House and his mentee Tom Brady). I gleaned this info from public pictures of hand position prior to a football spiral getting thrown.
Later, I’ll post the NFL’s Women’s Clinic hashtag when it becomes available. As of April 24, limited spots remain, so RSVP: