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The $15.15 Worth of Class Materials You Buy at Safeway for #cs183creditScore

by Larry Chiang on November 12, 2015

By Larry Chiang
CS 183 Credit Score is #cs183creditScore. You need some basic supplies and an optional scrapbook to document your journey from 17 year old with no FICO score to 19 year old with a FICO approaching 850. 
Note: your overnight FICO score skyrocket will take exactly 24 months. 
{I’m blogging on my iPhone 6, so google ‘#BCSEUTWM for the scrapbook’ on Amazon}
Box of #10 envelopes. 
10 stamps from Safeway that cost the same as the USA postal service. 

$15.15 well spent.


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Your email address is critical. It shows you have a J-O-B.
— LARRY @LarryChiang dot com

Update: Get a sharpie. You will need it to address those #10 envelopes

For example…,

You can print a Duck9 logo in the upper right hand corner. I won't sue you if you're a consumer using the logo to do consumer credit things You can print a Duck9 logo in the upper right hand corner. I won’t sue you if you’re a consumer using the logo to do consumer credit things

I engineered the credit industry method of ‘Thin File Credit Analysis’ and “Debit Reporting Analysis”. My role in credit underwriting is legendary, in nature.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

Later, you will get two Amex cards. But you need a fico of #FICO748pt8


Google what #530Lytton is. It’s a real world address. #530Lytton is also a subroutine on how to get to #FICO748pt8. 
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
*#1 of 9*: Prepare 31 envelopes with a stamp in the upper right hand corner RE FICO zero to FICO 800 as a 17 year old in America



Set the tech founder bell curve also with my ENGR145 ‘best of’ lecture. 

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