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In The Media

The Backdoor Derivation of America’s Compression Algorithm for Credit

by Larry Chiang on July 16, 2016

By Larry Chiang
TL, DR alert. Too long. Don’t read. 
Conclusion. Get 24 1’s in a row
Too long of a 2,200 blog article post revealing the compression algorithm of money. So scan this 1-page. 
Rule of 72 by physicist (and accountant) Albert Einstein led to #Ruleof1111

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
When Elon @elonmusk says ‘compression algorithm’, know that when you unpack the algorithm too quickly, eyeballs will roll. Or worse heads

A compression algorithm is when you simplify. 

Elon Musk (@elonmusk)
Interesting to think of physics as a set of compression algorithms for the universe. That’s basically what formulas are.

algorithm de la compression Re physics ; Rule of 72; Albert Einstein. #ruleof1111

CEO of Duck9, Larry (@6502838008)
Ray Dalio’s “compression algorithm” for interest cc @elonmusk

compression algorithms for entrepreneurship 

compression algorithms for starting up

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