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The Mentor Mentee Mind Meld

by Larry Chiang on November 23, 2014


On Feb 26, 2013…, I heard Lisa Falzone speak #MentorMenteeMindMeld
By Larry Chiang
“What They Dont Teach You at Harvard Business School” is an undisputed HIT book. So I mind melded with that mentor too. #MarkMcCormack
Mind meld explained:

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Best skill school does and doesn’t teach you: The Mentor Mentee Mind Meld

Don’t let the concept intimidate you…, mind melding via man charm was previewed in an HBO TV show, “Entourage”

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

The underlying basis for charm is the practice of taking an extra moment to listen intently and be in the moment by closing out the world of distractions. Mind melding is motivationally listening motivationally reading. It leads to…

-1- Writing about your mentor.
After Lisa Falzone spoke on February 26, 2013. I took notes and blogged. I’m a good mentee.
Embed YOUTUBE in the comments 🙂
-2- Writing about your mentor that mentored you via a book.
To continue with the earlier example, mark McCormack, I wrote
-3- Mentor mentee roadblock
“When the student is ready, the master will appear”
– Buddha
-4- Mentor mentee roadblock #2
Not having work documented like GitHub and Stack Overflow. Mentee’s rise when mentors see documented works. Mentors join a parade. Mentors do not start parades.
For example, you might reach out to a Stanford alum, but what if you’re not Stanford?! You’re gonna need to mind meld by doing your homework.
-5- Specialized homework
Mentor mentee roadblock #3 is failing to prepare for the cocktail party or industry conference a potential mentor is speaking at.
My hilarious example of best-practices in mentor mentee mind meld comes from Wedding Crashers. At the 17:18 minute mark, Christopher Walken was man charmed by Owen Wilson
-6- Mentor mentee roadblock #4 to #8 cost 82.01. You have to PayPal the money to my account 650-283-8008. You’re welcome.

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