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In The Media

The Recent and Hidden Secret of Silicon Valley

by Larry Chiang on January 2, 2015

By Larry Chiang By “secret”, I mean truth told on a YouTube video. They’re hidden because some of the smartest academic people don’t see that street smarts matter. I don’t mean secret told to me privately. The video is at my city’s and community’s local college called Leland Stanford Junior college: YouTube #cs183b. Lecture 13. (Don’t confuse this with my #CS183X. Or my CS 183 Do Or my #LisaFalzone omg, I just sounded like Caroline Rodriguez! 🙂 Or my #ENGR145 Or my curation of Stramgt 353. A lot of people do not realize LinkedIn had a half dozen “non employee co-founders”. This is in stark contrast with the advice Reid Hoffman doles out: “Building a startup is like jumping off a cliff and building a plane on the way down”. Reid Hoffman really means: Get 6 “selfie, no self” and text Larry Chiang Then, I’ll wait and see. 9:59 video sums up 14 chapters of a book coming out 11-11-2019 “What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” Fashion Week’s front row What A Super Model Can Teach a Harvard MBA About Credit American Express hosts me mentoring you about FICO scores at New York Fashion Week My video boils down 20,000 hours and moves you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve CEO of Duck9 Founding EIR @Stanford Duck9 = “Deep Underground Credit Knowledge” 9 650-566-9600 650-566-9696 (direct) **************** Editor of the widely syndicated “What They Don’t Teach at School” CNN Video Channel: Read my last 10 tweets at Author, NY Times Bestseller (09-09-09 release of WTDTYASBS) 52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old Hunter Pence shared thoughts before winning WORLD SERIES’ Game #7

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