Unedited by Larry Chiang
Got a warm and fuzzy just now. A dad recognized me as I wait for a flight in Chicago. He came over. Extended his hand and said Thank You. His young son is doing great. 🙂 Reminds me of the hug I got from Aaron’s mom the first time I met her.
I graduated college with a Bachelors of Science in Education. Aug 1977. For some reason I love to teach. First it was high school and middle school. Math. Social Studies. Then it was billiards. 🙂 Now hitting.
They say those that can do and those that can’t teach. I’m a can’t. 🙂 Wanted to be a can…..but it was not to be.
The reward is the gratitude from the student. I worked with my sister’s 12 yr old grandson this weekend. This is the first year he’s ever played. We tried this cue. Then that cue. This drill. And that drill. We hit off the tee. Then flips.
Then it happened. The smirk that I often see when they barrel a ball and feel it for the first time. It’s undeniable. It’s like “did I do that?” “Was that me?” OMG 🙂
I’m off to another city. Working with kids. And pros.
Looking for smirks. 🙂
Life is good.
WordPress’d from my personal iPhone, 650-283-8008, number that Steve Jobs texted me on