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In The Media

ThermoD in The Application of Digital Scarcity That’s Agreed Upon by Consensus

by Larry Chiang on April 21, 2020

By Larry Chiang
I used to make fun of block chain and say “Roller Chain”
Energy only changes its states. The 3 states are gas, liquid and solid. 
As a mechanical engineer, I used solid liquid and gas charts to model credit defaults. 
SOLID – were great credit risks. 
GAS – is bad and horrible credit risks
LIQUID – are credit applicats who are maybe’s
First Chicago, AT&T Universal Card and Citibank were using one dimensional FICO score analysis. Duck9 added another dimension: “off credit report data” and #ThirdPartyDataVerification. 
Suffice it to say, I missed basic bitcoin Mechanical Engineering truths that were staring me in the face. Particularly, the second law of thermodynamics 
“Unpopular opinion: Bitcoin is not alike Religion. It’s no opaque dogma. 

One doesn’t believe in Bitcoin, but observes it exist in the world. 

Bitcoin is an interpretation of the law of thermodynamics applied to digital scarcity.”

– Thibaud Marechal 🔑 (@thibm_)
Bitcoin was not made up. Bitcoin was DISCOVERED 

Thibaud Marechal 🔑 (@thibm_)
Unpopular opinion: Bitcoin is not alike Religion. It’s no opaque dogma.

One doesn’t believe in Bitcoin, but observes it exist in the world.

Bitcoin is an interpretation of the law of thermodynamics applied to digital scarcity.

Ben Hunt (@EpsilonTheory)
Bitcoin! “Powered by thermodynamics … <whispers> … just like the universe”

second law of thermodynamics. That’s what me and Jimmy Song trust:

Eljaboom💥 (@Eljaboom)
While my bachelor studies in thermodynamics. I learned that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

Energy only changes its states.

#Bitcoin is not innovation or creation, it’s only adaptation of the old bad/slow methods of doing transactions.

It will come no matter WHAT!

oraclewhale (@oraclewhale)
Bitcoin can not be created out of thin air, unlike Dollars and Euros. Bitcoin follows the laws of thermodynamics- Bitcoin requires input (computer tech investment and electricity) to create/mine Bitcoins, just like Gold requires equipment and fuel for mining/extraction

Knut Svanholm ⚡🗽⚡ (@knutsvanholm)
⁦‪@Melt_Dem‬⁩ â€œBitcoin and Thermodynamics” by Knut Svanholm

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