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Unlimited Vagina. Unlimited Money. ROI for ReverseMLM using ExternalAPI’s

by Larry Chiang on May 3, 2023

8 Things that will get me an ROl


from the “consultation” last Saturday

1. By committing to not drinking anymore, even socially,

It will save me $624-$936 per year

This is assuming I have two drinks at $6-9 per drink


2. I purchased a notebook from Chase

-$41.48 potebook

Set for $41.98. 

After buying a 12 pack for $12.99,

+50.01 Deal w/Chase [thats #LCRRM

he will send back $50.01. 

 I sell each one for 41.98


I will have walked away with $498.91.

  1. I would sell teeds tes leads of prospective clients to David Kirkpatrick for his business.
  2. Assuming it’s not been done before, I could go back ans sell leads at the bar and workout a deal for ad space.
  1. I now know d “secret ” parking spot when going to Rainey street, saving me a ton of money from garages, parking lots, and street parking,
  2. I have a process of scouting, cold opening, and worse, and will pay dividends in every deal I make.
  3. I already cold opened my way in to a group playing volley ball, icreated a “callback” for whenever the interested people wanna text me

“Unlimited Vegina”

“and made use of the External Api. #ExternalAPI

(not $$$ but helped me get what I wanted)


WordPress’d from my personal iPhone, 650-283-8008, number that Steve Jobs texted me on

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