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Using the Constellation of Money At SalesForce’s “Dream Force” Conference

by Larry Chiang on September 17, 2015

By Larry Chiang 
Sales and selling are hard. Having CS majors sell is even harder. But, that is the whole point of CS classes about entrepreneurship: Selling. 
Well, luckily for you all that mentorship is located in the real world at the really awesome city of San Francisco. Conference de la fabulous is “Dream Force” #DF15

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
The @salesforce has collegiate outreach headed up by @ludoulrich @salesforcestart. Undergrads should wordpress blog their goals #DF15


Sit in the front row. Put you gyro down and just take notes of when execs state a problem. 
DreamForce 2015 has a ton of specific problems executives specifically say. But they’re executives and don’t code. Even the CS major’d CEO’s… They don’t have time to code. 

So you do what lec 1, Aug 31 in CS 178, said to do: wire together something for sales force. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
What if I do all that @salesforce related work &don’t get paid. Its like the A or B you got in cs106b. But Jerry’s TA’s hiring u #DF15


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
“SalesForce is a form of programming language.”
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Hands down, top 5 best tech conferences…

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