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What a Supermodel Looks for When 5 CS Majors Form a Startup

by Larry Chiang on September 8, 2015

By Larry Chiang
I’m a supermodel with a super model. 
2-5 CS majors. We all sell. We all code. We all DJ API’s. We all risk zero and sell based on some fossils’ problem. A fossil is a seasoned executive that is old. Like 35 or older.
This is what the super model looks like 
It’s 5 members all going towards one goal. 
This is your startup
You’re a dog. And that’s a good thing for your startup. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
The congruency pattern #InsideOut. It applies to #csMajorCRO co-founder teams synchronized, cohesive and congruent

Download the Twitter app to install the money subroutine #csMajorCRO 

If you’re on a team where everyone has a 150+ IQ, dumb down to 88. You don’t want to be THAT cliche team of 150-288 IQ co-founders going in a half-dozen different directions. 
This is a co-founder team doing it wrong:
Herding cats is tough to do as ceo. 
This is where you as 2-5 CS major co-founders solve the problem of a powerful, but technically dumb, executive 

This site is targeted at college grads and young professionals, contains user contributed content, and material that may be confusing to a lay audience.

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