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What Steve Ballmer Won’t and Will Be Teaching at Stanford Business School’s STRAMGT 588 Class

by Larry Chiang on August 22, 2014

Larry Chiang studied every class in engineering school before he took it like it was an AP Exam. Chiang’s co-founder Matt Smith graduated with a FICO over 800 which helped them self-fund. Leveraging an augmented FICO’s improved credit score is the bases for ENGR145. Its a class at Stanford Chiang taught on ‘technology entrepreneurship’. Now, Engineering 145 is the focus of his CNN iReport video blog. “What They Don’t Teach You at Business School” was doled out free on Bloomberg Business Week. After Chiang’s Harvard Law keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“ (it’s the same title as his NY Times bestseller). If you read his hilariously awesome “What a Supermodel Can Teach a Stanford MBA” and “How to Get Man-Charm”, you will like his latest post Re: Fashion Show in London after Larry Chiang’s Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Attendance .

By Larry Chiang

This is a blog post that levers Naperville Lincoln Junior High’s concept of P.Q.R.S.T.
Mrs Bassetto taught that to me at Lincoln Junior High.
I used PQRST to pre study an MBA before I went to Wharton in Philly. I used PQRST to ace ENGR 145. Let us PQRST and pre-study “TRAMGT588″ (It should be STRAMGT 588)

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Strategery at a B-School in LA

The class is taught by Susan and Steve.

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
I’m forking #engr145‘s feed Re #TRAMGT588
By forking I, Larry Chiang, split out TRAMGT588 out from ENGR145.
By the way, it should be STRAMGT588, STRAMGT 588. But I’ll keep with the previous forked out hashtag #TRAMGT588
[{ Remember GSB. A hashtag isn’t the old Chris Messina version of a hashtag that tags conversation on social media. It’s a Stanford Engineering’d hashtag.
A Stanford Engineering’d hashtag is a subroutine}
So the idea is that you use the hashtag to execute your boss’ strategy using signature business recipes. So that all y’all execute]

Do teach:

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

It’ll be 80% existing content and 20% new.

The 80% will be in the Stanford book store Sept 22. The 20% will appear in the version of a Blake Masters set of notes (He’s SLS and crashed a CS class called CS 183. His national bestseller launches September at Fashion Week cc Peter Thiel)
It was to appear at SXSW (but got turned down by sxsw. So now it’s September)
Fifty Two Cards and two “Jokers”… “What They Did Teach You at Stanford Engineering” summer 2010
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

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