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What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School About Speed Reading

by Larry Chiang on April 26, 2023

What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School About Speed Reading

What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School About Speed Reading

Chapter 1: You’re Damned If You Do Audiobooks, and You’re Damned If You Don’t

Audiobooks vs. Physical Books

In recent years, the debate over whether audiobooks or physical books are better has become increasingly common. Many people claim that audiobooks are more convenient and accessible, while others argue that physical books allow for more active reading and better retention of information.

Which is faster? Listening or Reading?

This debate is particularly relevant to speed reading, as the format of the reading material can have a significant impact on how quickly and effectively information is absorbed.

II. Advantages and Disadvantages of Audiobooks

A. Pro: Multi-tasking Listener

One of the most significant advantages of audiobooks is their convenience and accessibility. With audiobooks, it’s possible to listen while driving, exercising, or doing other activities that would be impossible with a physical book.

B. Con: Retention of information

However, some people argue that audiobooks make it harder to retain information because they don’t allow for active reading and note-taking. Without the ability to underline or highlight key points, it can be more difficult to remember important information.

C. Con: Potential distractions

Another potential disadvantage of audiobooks is that they can be distracting. Background noise, interruptions, and other external factors can make it difficult to focus on the material.

III. Advantages and Disadvantages of Physical Books

A. Active reading and note-taking

Physical books, on the other hand, allow for more active reading and note-taking. Readers can underline, highlight, and take notes on important information, which can help with retention and comprehension.

B. Improved retention of information

Studies have shown that people tend to retain information better when reading physical books compared to digital formats, such as ebooks or audiobooks.

C. Potential distractions

However, physical books can also be distracting. For example, a reader might get sidetracked by footnotes, endnotes, or other non-essential information.

IV. How Audiobooks and Physical Books Affect Speed Reading

A. The impact of speed on retention of information

When speed reading, it’s important to strike a balance between reading quickly and retaining information. Audiobooks and physical books can both be used for speed reading, but they each have unique advantages and disadvantages.

B. Techniques for speed reading with audiobooks and physical books

Techniques for speed reading with audiobooks and physical books can include skimming, scanning, and previewing, among others.

C. When to use audiobooks versus physical books for speed reading

The choice between audiobooks and physical books for speed reading will depend on the reader’s preferences and the nature of the material being read.

V. Overcoming Challenges in Speed Reading with Audiobooks and Physical Books

A. Strategies for maintaining focus and concentration

To overcome potential distractions when speed reading, strategies such as finding a quiet environment, turning off notifications, and taking breaks can be helpful.

B. Techniques for taking effective notes

Taking effective notes can be challenging when speed reading, but techniques such as creating an outline, using abbreviations, and summarizing key points can help.

C. Strategies for retaining information while reading quickly

Strategies for retaining information while speed reading can include focusing on keywords, visualizing concepts, and asking questions.

VI. Using Audiobooks and Physical Books for Different Types of Reading Material

A. Best practices for using audiobooks and physical books for fiction and non-fiction

The best practices for using audiobooks and physical books for fiction and non-fiction can differ. For example, when reading fiction, audiobooks can help with immersion, while physical books can be better for analyzing complex ideas and analyzing graphs and images throughout the book.

Despite the many benefits of audiobooks, there are some potential downsides to consider. First and foremost, audiobooks may not be the best choice for all types of books or for all readers. Some people simply prefer to read a physical book or an ebook, and may not enjoy the experience of listening to an audiobook.

Another potential issue with audiobooks is that they can be distracting or difficult to focus on, particularly if you are listening in a noisy environment or while performing other tasks. Unlike with a physical book, you cannot easily go back and re-read a section if you missed something or did not fully understand it the first time.

There is also the issue of cost. While many audiobooks are available for free through public libraries, others can be quite expensive, especially if you are purchasing them outright. For some readers, the cost of audiobooks may be prohibitive.

Despite these potential drawbacks, audiobooks remain a valuable tool for many readers. They can be particularly useful for people who have busy schedules or who struggle to find time to read. By listening to an audiobook during your commute, while doing household chores, or during your workout, you can easily fit more reading into your day.

Moreover, audiobooks can provide a unique and enjoyable reading experience. Listening to a skilled narrator bring a story to life can add a new dimension to the book, making it even more immersive and engaging. Audiobooks can also be a great way to experience books in a different language, particularly if you are trying to learn that language.

Ultimately, the decision to listen to audiobooks is a personal one, and will depend on your individual preferences and circumstances. While there are some potential downsides to consider, the benefits of audiobooks are numerous, and for many readers, they can be a valuable addition to their reading habits.

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