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In The Media

When Money Dies

by Larry Chiang on February 15, 2021

By Larry Chiang
Plot spoiler: Money always dies

This is Germany 
Also known as the Weimar Republic because they had to rename it

The problem:

Currently reading “When Money Dies” the history of hyperinflation in Weimar Germany.
One of the wildest aspects I never knew was that early on people all thought they were getting rich.
They were selling hard assets for what they thought were insanely high prices in marks!
Joe Colangelo
Currently reading “When Money Dies” the history of hyperinflation in Weimar Germany.

One of the wildest aspects I never knew was that early on people all thought they were getting rich.

They were selling hard assets for what they thought were insanely high prices in marks!

2/14/21, 7:47 AM
Joe Colangelo
The author of “When Money Dies” struggles over how to explain the scale of the inflation, because the numbers are so beyond human comprehension.

The most stark example: The German Marks needed to buy one egg in 1923 could have bought 500 BILLION eggs in 1918

2/14/21, 1:53 PM

Filed under DEEPLY UNDERSTANDING CURRENCY KNOWLEDGE on WordPress from my personal iPhone, 650-283-8008, number that Steve Jobs texted me on

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