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FinTech, Sexy and Complicated Just Like Larry Chiang

by Larry Chiang on March 7, 2017

Larry Chiang leads the ‘financial technology’ industry like a Jedi commands an outdated device of war, the “light sabre”. What’s a Jedi in Business Administration?!  Its when you cite and source your mentor’s, Mark McCormack’s, 1983 book and quote What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School in every chapter of: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”. More effective than a credit bureau dispute penned from downtown Austin Texas on Four Seasons stationary, you will enjoy, “FinTech! Sexy and complicated just like Larry Chiang”.

Larry Chiang FinTech Expert. Sexy and conflictedby Larry Chiang

Stanford engineering spins out a lot of cool technology!


But there is a war between what is innovative and what is still effective as something old-fashioned. There is a struggle between whats-next with whats-too-old to keep
FinTech is exactly what stanford engineering entrepreneurship struggles because FinTech wants to bring in the new, but we live in a set of laws that are grounded in physics and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

Let us explore the sexy along with the complicated in the hopes of being Jedi’s in financial technology

adriane-powell-silicon-valley-bank-sxsw Parties at industry conferences, matter. These parties help with connections and distribution4-ducks-and-Katharina-sophia-volz Ducks are an acronym. They mean Deep Underground Credit Knowledge (D.U.C.K.) Katharina Volz, Dr Holy Moly is the unicorn surrounded by ducks because shes on the right side of the money equation and does Treasure Management wellA Jedi possesses a series of subroutines that are deep underground, street smart methods. Credit innovation and financial technology innovation are ruled under #cs183law. Stanford engineering professor, Peter Thiel, taught a CS class at a SLS [Stanford Law School] gradimage1-7

Paper is currently the most effective FinTech tool because paper is the most Fair Credit Reporting Act *compliant* tool Paper is currently the most effective FinTech tool because paper is the most Fair Credit Reporting Act *compliant* tool

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