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In The Media

Force Feeding Equifax Like Its a Foie Gras Duck

by Larry Chiang on August 18, 2016

By Larry Chiang
Credit bureaus have a business model of brokering negative information. Credit reporting agencies are private businesses  #expTransFax. Yes, credit bureaus are profit driven. 
If you want positive credit data to go into the three American credit reporting agencies Experian, TransUnion and Equifax, you must force feed.  #expTransFax = details that are outlined on Twitter. 

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
how to make foie gras {exactly similar to force feeding positive information to Experian TransUnion and Equifax…

how to make foie gras {exactly similar to force feeding positive information to Experian TransUnion and Equifax  

Like a duck that does not want to eat anymore, TransUnion and Friends do not want your positive information. Foie Gras is the result of a liver that is 20x the normal size. I want your credit report quality to be 20x better!

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
making foie gras {exactly like force feeding positive info on U into Experian TransUnion and Equifax #expTransFax…

Force feed using 31 envelopes – recipe to add Experian TransUnion and Equifax data is at “#31envelopes

I want your credit report quality to be 20x better!

My expertise is breaking down seemingly difficult endeavors into smaller executables. Here are two examples of “signature business recipes”

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