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Josh Elman: how to build products

by Larry Chiang on December 14, 2016

By Larry Chiang

how to build products. 

Josh Elman (@joshelman)
Spoke to two great product teams yesterday about how to build products and my transition to VC. Had a couple big realizations:

Josh Elman (@joshelman)
Building something that users understand and enjoy is all that matters. If they don’t get it, you aren’t making it easy enough to learn

Josh Elman (@joshelman)
Products don’t have to be “easy to use” just “easy to learn” and create strong motivation to learn and want to use.

Josh Elman (@joshelman)
Nothing better than talking to users who don’t get your product, aren’t excited to try it, tried it but didn’t stick, or came back and did

Josh Elman (@joshelman)
Listening to users won’t tell you what to build. But it will tell you where all the gaps are, and then the team’s creativity can go to work

Josh Elman (@joshelman)
The other thing I realized when asked for career advice was how immature I often was in my career.

Josh Elman (@joshelman)
I spent way too much time earlier worrying about what my job was instead of just focusing on what problems I was challenged with solving

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