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What They Don’t Teach You At YC*

by Larry Chiang on October 15, 2016

Larry Chiang’s book, #WTDTYASBS, is a sequel to his mentor’s, Mark McCormack’s, book, “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School“. Chiang took his sales skills to execute a book launch party in his mentor’s honor aboard a New York Fashion Week runway. Yes, IMG’s, International Management Group’s runway. Yes, Mark McCormack’s “IMG” and the same International Management Group that does talent management. Because of Chiang’s and McCormack’s books, Harvard teaches it all on their B-school’s blog.

“NY Fashion Week looks great from the front row.”
– Larry Chiang, CEO
By Larry Chiang

Sales, marketing, promotions, hosting parties to get initial traction and sales skills that underpin marketing. That’s what they do not teach you inside YC’s Tuesday night dinners, YC’s annual wooded retreat, YC’s 3 CS 183 Stanford Engineering Classes and YC’s Startup School**

* What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford About Entrepreneurship, They Do Teach You at Stanford Engineering, #ENGR145 2010-2013). So, what I am saying is that they do teach you sales at YC, they just hide 80-99% of it 🙂


“What They Don’t Teach You at YC” will expand upon Do Things That Don’t Scale but have momentum so that we get the marketing skills we need and can move on.

CS major chief-marketing-officer #csMajorCMO, Larry Chiang CS major chief-marketing-officer #csMajorCMO, Larry Chiang

Marketing. It is for developers, engineers and CS majors

#Cha1 – Chapter 1; “What They Don’t Teach You at YC”
Youre darned if you do teach people sales skills. You’re darned as a YC partner if you do not teach CS majors those sales skills that you have

#Cha2 – Chapter 2; “What They Don’t Teach You at YC”
Treasure Management of Selling Commission

#Cha3 – Chapter 3; “What They Don’t Teach You at YC”
Copy paste scripts, recipes and protocols de la sales. Think stack. But for picking up seasoned executives. See #cs183puse in #Cha7

Stanford Engineering 145 is the forgotten class. Stanford Engineering 145 is the forgotten class.

#Cha4 – Chapter 4; “What They Don’t Teach You at YC”
Networking with sales pros with your ivy degree in CS or at your reach school: Stanford University

#Cha5 – Chapter 5; “What They Don’t Teach You at YC”
Mentorship. How to use mentorship to sell prospects. For example, sell an API without ever using the words Application Protocol Interface. Sell by mentoring 1980s ‘seasoned execs’ by not making them feel like an idiot, which they all are 😉

#Cha6 – Chapter 6; “What They Don’t Teach You at YC”
Popping your sales and revenue cherry with $2,000 in sales without having to talk to anyone or experience rejection first hand

Waze did things that seemingly did not scale to win #sxsw 2011 much to the chagrin of the Isreali team Waze did things that seemingly did not scale to win #sxsw 2011 much to the chagrin of the Isreali team. #DTTDSbhm

#Cha7 – Chapter 7; “What They Don’t Teach You at YC”
The PUA skills I teach you can be used for puddy. Do not abuse NLP because “by a river of puddy, I sat down and wept”. Please bang less and get your YC startup a leg up.

image14 Remember, legendary VC Peter Thiel kept an Illinois founder at the VP of Sales helm. His name was Luke Nosek, look him up.

“What They Don’t Teach You at YC” will expand upon ‘Do Things That Don’t Scale (but have momentum)

image13 or won’t cut it.
**Asterisk because sales skills are mentioned, alluded to and teased… But never expanded upon. Every chapter of “What They Don’t Teach You at YC” will expand upon ‘Do Things That Don’t Scale (but have momentum)’

a food truck 'sells' a food truck ‘sells’ image158 Julianna sells $50 parking spots with a cardboard sign. Watch her sales practice swell

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