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In The Media

Startup vs “New Company”

by Larry Chiang on April 19, 2016

By Larry Chiang
Syntax, language and definitions matter. Success failure separation can be razor thin, so details matter. Thus, this article focuses on the massive chasm (pun intended!) between startup and new company.
Startup (noun) -loosely organized group of individuals in search of a business model.

This is direct from Professor Steven Blank.
Steve is saying a startup does not have traction, product or/and a clear business model.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
If you’re thinking #SiliconValley is startup friendly, know that we like new companies wayyy better. See @sgblank for the difference.

New company is here in the dotted line region.

In short, startup’s are to the left of the chasm. New companies are on the right of the chasm. For a startup to hit “Escape Velocity” (again, pun intended because Geoffrey Moore has a book with the same exact title), you should cross the chasm to become a new company.
It’s confusing but stick with it and take notes. 

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