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In The Media

The One Stop For Notes, Analysis, Coverage and Pattern Recognition and Pattern Replication on MIT’s BlockChain SERIES in SF

by Larry Chiang on February 6, 2018

Larry Chiang helps engineers get a Jedi in Business Administration (J.B.A.). MBAs cost money. JBAs make money. Neither he nor his mentor, Mark McCormack, went to Stanford Business School. But after Chiang’s Harvard Law School’s keynote, Harvard Business School’s Harbus wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School”.

Larry Chiangnext event: Module 3: Legal Considerations & Pitch Ideas
888 Howard St (IC hotel)
6:00pm – 8:00pm

By Larry Chiang

MIT. Mass Inst of Tech. Its the Stanford of the Ivy League. And MIT club of California is doing a five module series on Blockchain. MIT Club of NorCal is genius, attracts a huge crowd and is packed iwth speakers but true to MIT form, its sooooo scattered. Even the eventbrite info has not been archived because it was deleted in a what was once-a-series-you-prepaid, you now have to piece together a forensic scraping of
-what to pay attention to
– what the current agenda is
– How to prepare for the upcoming next event. Hint, its #13Feb2018!

Using this blog post, you will get organized and read and preview and win the April 20 pitch. Like American Idol is for picking a music winner, CyptoIdol will pick a winner that aces this series of events. These events are confusing so I went ahead and took detailed notes from
#06Dec2017,  #11Jan2018, #13Feb2018, #06Mar2018, #05Apr2018 to #20April2018

From Facebook

Future of Industries Conference #20April2018 to Apr 22. So, the winning team will get picked to win more in April.

MIT-december-6-module-1-applied-blockchainModule 1: Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency and ICOs
888 Howard St (IC hotel)
#06Dec2017 530-630pm VIP dinner; 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Module 2: Start With the End in Mind
888 Howard St (InterContinental hotel)
#11Jan2018 (rescheduled from Jan 4
6:00pm – 8:00pm

Module 3: Legal Considerations & Pitch Ideas
888 Howard St (IC hotel)
6:00pm – 8:00pm


Module 4: Technical Trends in Development
888 Howard St (IC hotel)
6:00pm – 8:00pm

Module 5: Marketing and Recruiting, Pitch Selection
888 Howard Street
Inter Continental hotel
6:00pm – 8:00pm

MIT Future of Industries Conference
Module 6: Project Pitch – “Cyrpto Idol” like American Idol but for Blockchain. And nerdier!
April 20 – 22, 2018

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