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Top 5 Reasons Austin’s The Epicenter of Bitcoin

by Larry Chiang on March 21, 2022

By Larry Chiang
So many positives for our Austin ecosystem and it’s support of Bitcoin 
What transpired at ‘south by’ was solid. The setting of the Littlefield Building was perfectly on brand for the soundest money ever invented, Bitcoin. Two parts boring with one part really hard to enter, Bitcoin Commons lobby within a lobby is a perfect on ramp into a 2-day Bitcoin ConFab. Conference fabulous. 
Here are top 5 data points you can benefit from with Austin’s ascent into the top city for all things Bitcoin 
-1- Austin as epicenter number one 
Multiple multiple anchor points for Bitcoin. Capital Factory has how many events per week?? Bitcoin Commons has awesome new space adjoining unchainedCap‬⁩ 
-2- pop up workshops and meetups galore make Austin a siren that calls together all who love Bitcoin 
Pleb is often a theme. 
Grass roots is the execution method. 
Nurturing and positive is the new network. 
Zero pecking order
Everyone just coming together to get better. 
Bitcoin people side bar about getting fit, losing weight and eating better. 

-3- VIP’s in Town for Live music

Part and parcel to Austin-becoming-the-Citadel spring boards from Austin as live music capital of the world. 
So executives want a free trip to a music festival. What better way to experience austin City Limits than to expense report your whole trip?
Saving money transitions is nicely into point number four
-4- Austin is a Bitcoin Heavenly Haven for Saving
Taking up as an entrepreneur in residence in Texas saves you almost double digit percentage rate in taxes. New York, Massachusetts and California people are migrating to our state in droves. 
Bitcoin’s primary value is “Store of Value”. Check out the transcript on

-4c- Saving money isn’t republicans or democrats

Saving money is not blue pill or even red pill. Saving money is orange pill. 

-4d- Saving money via building a cathedral with no shitcoins

-4f- Saving money by securing it with a multisig

-5- Miners who Mine Bitcoin in Texas makes Austin a thought leadershipping think tank

-6- Best reason AUSTIN draws in so many Bitcoin people

Great weather
Get out there and enjoy Austin’s weather and Simi 
It’s a great Greek restaurant at the lobby of Bitcoin Commons’d from my personal iPhone, 650-283-8008, number that Steve Jobs texted me on

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