Coterm students. Co-captained the basketball team. Stanford
By Larry Chiang
Have you heard of me!?
I’m the guy who installed Parkland community college hustle inside an Illinois engineer brain. Urbana. So, when I came to Stanford as a season ticket holder, my skill-set was attractive because, let’s be honest: Stanfurdh undergrads were mega douchie ~ 2006-2007*
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Brennan @BScarlett17, enjoy @Stanford‘s MS&E dept! Meet my mentors Tom Byers and @tjkosnik @StanfordEng #ENGR145
Brennan Scarlet and me are public school undergrads.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
@BScarlett17 it is probably waayyyyyy comforting that MS&E’s #TomByers is Cal, Cal, Cal and then later Stanford. Me?! Im buck card club
Here are 11 things about Stanford University
-1- It’s just the best university, by far.
I get emotional:
I remember all the people that got screwed by “the system” at University of Illinois.
Wasn’t Cal the same!?
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
My gift to u, @Cal_Engineer: #CalEweek. It’s open source. It’s IP free
“Rachel” was setting up Berkeley Entrepreneur Week. I asked her why she didn’t call it “Cal E week”. She said the university owns “Cal”
I love Cal students. But the admin is set up in a system that is public School to-the-core.
/2/ Stanford office hours
OMG, it’s like a buffet. All the staff access you could dream. At Illinois, I set the bell curve and my professors couldn’t pick me out of a baseball lineup.
Heck, the BUSINESS SCHOOL welcomes you sitting in on classes. The address is 656 Knight
/3/ Everyone is special.
/4/ Munger’s washing machines are FREE
What. The. Heck.
New washing machines are free. I know, Brennan Scarlett, the trainers wash your stuff… But omg, right!?
/5/ Just cuz the ice cream is free at Flo Mo doesn’t mean you should eat it
/6/ “Training Table”
Everyone gets to eat training table quality food.
/7/ Training TABLE at 641 Campus used to have speakers speak to you student athletes
For example: “Lisa Falzone”
This leads me to my next point [and refer to your, Brennan Scarlett’s, dept: “MS&E” #TomByers #TomKosnik]…
/8/ You’re going to be encouraged to “do entrepreneurship”
Focus on football Brennan. Compartmentalize entrepreneurship into Engineering 145, “Technology Entrepreneurship”. It’s a summer class too. Summer is when incoming freshman take a class. Brennan, isn’t your brother a Frosh here!?
Need a minimum viable entrepreneurship concept!? “NFL retirees doing franchise concepts at the Pro Bowl without risking one nickel” (When you eat at Mongolian Grill in Menlo Park, know that it’s not a franchise. So nfl retirees CAN franchise it).
/9/ Wearing that cardinal Red “S”
A lot of MBAs just wear their undergrad schools stuff. Remember, donning that “S” will make you feel weird. I recommend you
– immerse and wear your new “17” shorts over the a Haas networking party
– change your profile pic
– no civil wars with yourself.
– your new friends have some idea where you’re from (but not really)
– your old friends have some idea about your new situation (but don’t)
– thank goodness you’re busy
/10/ MS&E is awesome
It’s like an MBA.
/11/ I’m so sorry for the “Cal sucks” shirts
You and I (and Kirby Chiang!) know the ways Cal wasn’t perfect. Forgive the Cal sucks shirts. Kirby was Cal undergrad and now at StartX
#ENGR145’s two anchor videos move you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve
CEO of Duck9
Stanford University’s Founding EIR (Entrepreneur in Residence)
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Founder of “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” for CNN iReport:
Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School about EUTWMPPM @SXSW” comes out 11-11-14
52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old
There is a John Wooden poster at Training Table. Wooden’s goal was to install a 22 year olds brain inside a freshman. It’s my goal to install my mentors’ (Mark McCormack’s, Tom Kosnik’s) brain inside my brain