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In The Media

#2400OgdenAvenue cc: #PObox5382

by Larry Chiang on July 10, 2015

“If you’re calling about a collection notice, hang up now and dial the telephone number on your collection notice.”
— Illinois tollway authority greeting via 630-241-6800

By Larry Chiang


It is a hashtag with the double entendre of duck (credit code) 9. Duck as in avoid charge-offs.

I got tired of telling Kappa Alpha Thetas, “Avoid charge-offs from random credit crap like Victoria’s secret orders and tollway tolls you skipped.” Credit code9 is charge-off’s are complicated so now I just say, “hashtag duck9”

SO why, “Hashtag 2400 Ogden Avenue, all one-word, no-space”??!?

Because your credit score will go to Bolingbrook and the depths of Aurora (back when those towns were cheap. They’re nice now), if you try the telephone. Your credit score will get whacked if you try the phone.

on Hold forever with bad results to come

“If you’re calling (630) 241-6800 about a collection notice, rub Connie’s pizza, frozen in your own face after you hit ‘9’.”
— Larry Chiang

So, have you heard of Larry Chiang before?!? I am kinda legendary. For $45 bucks, I will mentor you to raise your FICO score 80 points. Such a douche I am. But you read Yelp. You googled me so you know I am the real deal.

Pay Pal me $45.00 and I will show you
(1) How to pay less.
(2) how to pay the right way. Hint: if you pay the collection notice. Your #expTransFax will still read effed. I hashtagged the oligopoly, not because I am a smart ass. But because I drafted a bunch of pay protocols. I drafted and engineered payment protocols via. specific. subroutines.

Yup, I am an Illinois grad. Engineering. Lived at Oglesby. Then 106 E Chalm. then IT. Then IT again senior year 🙁

Pay ME!
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why pay me

“If you’re calling (630) 241-6800 about a collection notice, you better be asking them for their fax #, before faxing them. There is a ‘9’ on your #ExpTransFax. Because collection notices get sold from one collection agency to another.”
Larry Chiang, credit expert

/1/ Date of toll violation1b) Time:

2. Plaza Name and/or Number:
(for example, “2021 Midwest Rd”, “I-80- west”, “Naperville Road” Notice there is deep dish pizza at each toll plaza
3. car that went thru iPass
Registered Owner (full name, biatches)
4. Plate de la State: Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana, ETC
4B: Lic Plate alpha-Numeric:

License plate. Photo credit James Hong, founder Hot or Not dot com License plate. Photo credit James Hong, founder Hot or Not dot com
(for example CA “HTTP”

Note: the 45.00 rebate is still good!
So if you teach at Stanford engineering like me, you can calculate that it is zero cost.
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So, yes, a 100% rebate. See, I am not that douchie after all

Big smile because while I am an uber good looking model, you do not oogle me. Big smile because while I am an uber good looking model, you do not oogle me. #PObox5382

So if you teach at Stanford engineering like me, you can calculate that it is zero cost.
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