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5-ego Warning Signals

by Larry Chiang on December 20, 2017

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Larry Chiang’s Algorithm For Why SF Men Can’t Commit
By Larry Chiang
We have probably met at a Bay Area networking party like #TreeLotParty.

What They Don't Teach You at Accenture Will Later Be Taught in St Charles at Accenture

Usually there is a huge crowd of women around me, right!?! Well it’s not because I’m tall and hot. It’s because I have a decryption key that explains specifically why a certain man cannot commit.

415-720-8500. Work
650-283-8008 cell
Email is best; Lawrence.chiang at Google’s beta product called gmail. $Googl could not commit either, lol
My key gets into any SF mans head. My decryption key explains why and how a San Francisco man cannot commit. It’s based on “5-ego Warning Signals”. If you work at the Federal Reserve or World Bank, you have seen something eerily similar because it’s my same preso on “What a Supermodel Can Teach a Federal Reserve Chair on Credit and Underwriting”.
These are the 5-ego Warning Signals and know that if three or more are in flux…, the man cannot commit. Let me repeat, it’s mentally impossible for a man to commit when the supermajority of his ego is in massive flux
Warning Signal ONE
Change in Job.
Warning Signal Two
Change in geographic location or housing
If you used to live at 333 O’ Farrell and now live in the servants quarters at 757 Market, you just went from the tenderloin to Mecca. Going from surrounded by homeless to being neighbors with me and Peter Thiel is only a $2k/month swing
Everyone right now has an extra 20k /month to burn because of cryotos rise.
Warning Signal Three
Change in possessions
Before, when a man would purchase a Porsche, he’d yard sale to family. Now, an iPhone X suffices as minimum viable wealth signaling. Ditto pushing “express pool” versus Uber XL versus *premium BLACK*
Warning Signal Three Point Five
Change in coinBase decimal point. 
Five figures to seven is a huge jump
Warning Signal FOUR
Change in personal relationships de la dating
Warning Signal FIVE
Change in personal relationships that are family. 
So, let’s look at a real life example. Say a tech industry is wearing a t-shirt and blazer at a party and you both hit it off. You agree to a first date because googling him and Facebook stalking had a nicely manicured story. Seems super successful!!
But, I’m going to reveal that four or five of his ego warning signs are in massive flux!
Family. If you run an audit, the family almost always is reading fluxed. California breeds and has been breeding bigger-better-deal since forever. I hate to be a dick, but if the dad ditched the family to go bang “strange”, that shitake is gonna leave a mark. 
Job. People stay in jobs for 1.5 year max. And men are stressed about it because shitake is changing so fast. Look at this chart
Geo. Men move housing every 2-years.
If they’re living outta a van in the google parking lot, he’s not crazy. He’s cliche!
Dating. Tinder is getting even trolls the deal flow that used to be reserved for 3-sport athletes rocking an athletic scholarship while acing Urbana engineering classes while being an officer of his fraternity in Champaign.
Attention deficit dating disorder occurs when all Facebook profile pictures point toward “I spend my 90 minute lunch swiping left or right on Tinder
Thus, change in personal relationships de la dating is in flux. 
Maybe men would do better in the vc jobs they’re so stressed inside at if they paid more attention to working and reading. Less time trying to bang everything. Maybe it’s an EQ (yes emotional Quotient issue)
In my next Facebook note, I reveal my notes for why Ivy League men cannot commit

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