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5 Things to Do As a Student Undergrad, Entrepreneur

by Larry Chiang on December 1, 2013

By Larry Chiang
Real world, street smart “homework”, makes you rich. 

Bob Metcalfe (@BobMetcalfe)
Mark Cuban’s 12 Rules for Startups –

Here are five things for you in no particular order

-1- Do what Mark Cuban wrote about
And Mark Cuban said, do a “Larry Chiang Mini Company Concept”.  Ok, he did not say my name, but I added homework steps to his blog post, “Sell Shoelaces”

Master both articles

-2- Prep for the Dec 5 Mark Cuban appearance at UT

You don’t just go starfux. 
You go to meet Mr Mark to star-execute. 

Remember, he needs to meet you, the engineer-who-executes, far more than you need to meet him. Seriously. You. You, don’t need to meet him. You can just read and execute his entrepreneur wisdom. I will even be your study buddy. I study real good and can regurgitate. 

-3- Take some paper notes on the hashtags I mention in the “entrepreneur bell curve” video
-4- Send two thank you cards in the USPS postal mail
One goes to a high school teacher (who prolly wrote a rec letter for you to get into Stanford and hasn’t heard from you since). 
One goes to any teacher at Palo Alto’s Community’s College. 
It takes courage and confidence to write and send a thank you note. Execute that monumental task and you’ll already have surpassed 90+%. 
-5- Be semi entrepreneurial in getting an internship. 
Lol, I laugh when people do not spend 1/1000th the time to get a job that’ll lead to a job. Versus studying for SAT or GMAT. 
SPEND 1/50th the time you spent acing the GMAT to get a great internship after HBS1 – 1st year. 
I can list 40 things to do to get a legendary internship, but I’m going to have you google my guest lecture on that exact topic. 
CEO of Duck9
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52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering
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