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5 Ways Situationships Affect Entrepreneurship Practice.

by Larry Chiang on March 25, 2024

Situationships. The dating market affects workplace productivity and especially our entrepreneurship practice.
You see in a Situationship, the higher value and higher sexual market value male often eschews public display of affection. You see the high value and high net worth male tends to want to keep their options open by not signaling to the intersexual dating market that they’re taken.
This affects men and women differently. The root cause of this differential lies in chakra Center five and chakra six. Women’s public display of affection lessens with the lower value males so that a higher value person can continue to be an option. This is game theory 
Men execute some public display of affection with their lower value females so that when a tipping point can be reached. Women like things that other women have socially approved of. 
Situationships do not give you more entrepreneurship options they simply make you want to fail in private.
Let me explain
You see majority of males displaying public affection to females that are definitely, “mid“ end up as a success at the coitus level…, not the marriage protocol 
There is another sexual dynamic that affects entrepreneurship, venture capital, and private equity, and that is price discovery, value, discovery, and value obfuscation due to sexual market value revelations, becoming massively, obfuscated and skewed due to dating apps, algorithm, hiding obese women
Of course, all of the females featured on my bumble, LinkedIn, tinder, WordPress, Duck9, blog post, Twitter, or all high value and high potential entrepreneur ship execution. And very likely to be a future unicorn
A unicorn is a future billion dollars


WordPress’d from my personal iPhone, 650-283-8008, number that Steve Jobs texted me onimage2.jpeg

5 Ways Situationships Affect Entrepreneurship Practice.

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