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Critical Startup Books I Recommend Reading

by Larry Chiang on August 29, 2014

Larry Chiang studies engineering school before he took any class using his fraternity’s class notes. Chiang’s and his co-founder Matt Smith studied FICO too and scored well over 800 which helped them self-fund. Leveraging an augmented FICO’s improved credit score is the bases for #ENGR145 and the CNN iReport video blog. All 14 chapters of “What They Don’t Teach You at Business School” was on Bloomberg Business Week when it launched at Fashion Week 09-09-09. After Chiang’s Harvard Law keynote, Harvard Business wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“ (it’s the same title as his NY Times bestseller). If you read his hilariously awesome “What a Supermodel Can Teach a Stanford MBA” and “How to Get Man-Charm”, you will like his latest post Re: Critical Startup Books I Recommend Reading.

By Larry Chiang

Four Steps the the Epiphany. Its critical to get a cash paying customer to cycle through polite interest versus real cash interest. And to “get out of the building.

Lean Startup. The minimum viable product. Plus working knowledge of the vocabuLarry is important.

Crossing the Chasm / Escape Velocity. Geoffrey Moore knows about a chasm you need to cross. He boils down 20 years of knowledge into a book or three. You get all the knowledge for sub $50 bucks, USD (usa dollars)

Art of the Start. Guy Kawasaki and me like the first 17 steps out of the batters box. Art of Start is about focusing on the start of the startup. Don’t laugh. The majority of startup ‘coverage’ in blogs, magazines and press is startup management and vanity metrics. Art of the Start foci on the aspects of starting.

What they don’t teach you at Harvard Business School. 7 stars out of five. If you think its only a 3 star book or 1 star book, its cuz you only read it once. Read and re-read and re-Re read this book. It cuts to the core of executing as an employee-to-be-founder.

Business Model Generation. If your business doesn’t have 5 ways to make money, you probably skimmed this book just once. I used this book to curate the hashtag #EUBM. (Engineer up a Business Model)

Technology Ventures. 11th year of the textbook for ENGR 145 and its just as valid in 2016 as it was when Tom Byers first cranked it out. I used Technology Ventures as the foundation for startup content I curate under #ENGR145

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