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#CTCFTR; “Cross the Chasm, From the Right”

by Larry Chiang on June 18, 2015

Larry Chiang’s 5th book, “What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School“, is a sequel to his mentor’s, Mark McCormack’s book, What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School. What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School quotes Mark McCormack’s book in every chapter and even launched at Mark McCormack’s, IMG’s, “New York Fashion Week”. What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Business School went from runway release on 09-09-09 right on to the NY Times bestseller list in under an hour! Initially, Chiang used his mentor’s book, What They Don’t Teach You At Harvard Business School, to start a company as an engineering major. Duck9, at Illini Tower, helps students get a FICO credit card credit score over 750. Prior to the NY Fashion week book launch party, Chiang did an H.L.S. keynote causing Harvard Business School to write: โ€œWhat They Donโ€™t Teach You at Stanford Business School“. Shirtlessly winning TC 40?? Well, Aaron Patzer helped Chiang with: “Setting an intention to win SXSW, THIS 2016 SXSW“.

Fashion Week is September 10-17.
— Larry Chiang, CEO and supermodel

By Larry Chiang

If you do not have a notepad with pen in hand, please leave.
If you do not have a desire for a Wharton MBA mind, please leave.

At the top of your moleskin notebook, write #CTCFTR

People with $370,000 in MBA loans and MBA tuition are in financial danger. Plus, you’re doing a startup. That means even more risk. THIS VIDEO SHOULD MAKE YOU $380,000 IF YOU’RE STUPID AND SOMEHOW SNUCK INTO WHARTON. This video should be called #zeroPt6. You go from zero to .6 million. Zero dollars to $600,000.oo. So $380k is a 63.33%. I don’t know what school padded your GPA, but 63.33 is a D. So lets get you 380k – $600k.

I also wanted to call this video, “What They DO Teach You at Wharton About Not Needing a Code Monkey” (see the Wharton guest lecture I did on YOUTUBE). ENGR145 is an unofficial class at Wharton. It will be held at Stanford Mall at the PF Chang’s bar. Do not laugh at me. All y’all used to meet at the Hyatt hotel in SF until that hotel went bankrupt. It’s an SPG “Le Meredien” now. Plus, students in Palo Alto are getting paid at Stanford engineering 145. Getting paid in revenue you keep while learning and CTCFTR’ing. ENGR145 alums and teachers love me because CTCFTR’ing works every time, 92% of the time.

True story.

This is my PhD on Kicking Massive Entrepreneurship ass. Buckle in, IIT. It is gonna get rough and verrrrry spicy. CTCFTR follows my JBA (Jedi in Business Administration). Whether it will be a popular and sexy hashtag, “#CTCFTR”, I dunno

JBA’s are R2D2s. Not sexy. We don’t need to talk pretty like a C3PO (he is like a MBA-VC: tall, pretty and pretty useless). R2D2s pattern replicate and pattern iterate. We have the ability to regurgitate and hack computer systems. Stanford Engineering believes.
Obi Wan is down.
Kwai Gon Gin is in.

My video assumes mastery of Geoffrey Moore’s “Crossing the Chasm” book. As an MBA1, I could do the CTC(FTR) math when I was 12. CTCFTR makes quick work for the first few steps out of the entrepreneur batters box. My focus for ENGR145 was to hone my 23,000 hours of entrepreneurship practice in to one 9:59 video.

THIS VIDEO. I call it a practice because their is no perfection to entrepreneurship. To parallel baseball success from my baseball mentor Augie Garrido, batting .999 really isn’t possible. But batting .402 is ๐Ÿ™‚

This is a sequel video to “Bell Curve of Entrepreneurship”.

Text me if you want me to google one of the hashtags for you and email you the results of my google-ing “LCMCC or #RMRMRE or #PRPRPI


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