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In The Media

“Plan B for Fundraising” was a Guy Kawasaki blog post before it became my SXSW moderated panel

by Larry Chiang on June 19, 2015

Larry Chiang is a New York Times Best Selling author. He wrote What They Don’t Teach You At Stanford Busines School. As CEO, Chiang launched his mentor’s sequel book 09-09-09 at New York Fashion Week and produced a Sundance film festival party to option WTDTYASBS’s scene treatment inside the book. He’s testified before Congressional committees, given expert witness on TV, and has two mentors he mentions in over 1,000 media interviews. The hashtag, #MMPPI, “mentor mentions per press interview” is for mentors: Gerri Detweiler and Mark McCormack. Yes, Mark McCormack of, “What They Don’t Teach You at Harvard Business School” fame.

“2015’s NYFW is September 10-17. New York Fashion Week will be amazing.”
— Larry Chiang

By Larry Chiang

Got “Plan B” for fundraising?

Ken Howery (@KenHowery)
Looking forward to this weekend’s #vcSecrets panel at SXSW in Austin.

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