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Do Selfies Help Female Founders?

by Larry Chiang on November 8, 2014


Larry Chiang sees “selfies” as entrepreneurial. As CEO of Duck9, he encourages college student entrepreneurs to get a FICO over 750 so you can leverage OPM (other people’s money). After a Harvard Law School keynote, Harvard Business School’s “Harbus” wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“.

At NY Fashion Week, Tory Burch debuted her new line and encouraged female founders.

By Larry Chiang

Yes!!! Yes, my selfies help.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)

Selfie!#SelfieNoSelf (it knowledge activates #NonEmployeeCoF bc I took the pic and cropped myself out)


Download the official Twitter app here

Selfie! Poem!!
Whut in the worrrld #SelfieNoSelf -ie?
It shows E145’s co-founder, NonEmployee
Cuz YC won’t spell out it’s lecture #3,
Peter Thiel was in CS 183, B!
Founder shitake, ENGR 145’s all I see
“Do things that don’t scale”, essays R free.
Sequoia has an API, u can blame me
You should ask about Feb 26, 2010 +3.
Feb 26, 2013, I installed Lisa Falzone as a keynote speaker to mentor other student athletes. It was held inside of Stanford athletics, for student athletes and students. It was free. There was free food
Another department at Stanford wasn’t happy so I got a cease and desist letter. A copy of the letter serves as my cover photo on Facebook.


ENGR145’s concepts work for student athletes and students. Student athletes should get the same access, no!?
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
‘Selfie, no-Self E-F-F-O-R-T’ #SelfieNoSelf has a open source photo album on Facebook.…


ENGR145’s two trailers are a prelude.
And another 9:59 trailer
I’ll wrap with another selfie, no self
Remember, a selfie no self is like “non employee co-founder”. But it is also super similar to a “Larry Chiang keynote, no #LarryChiang”
It’s where I get invited to speak. And then “yield the balance of my keynote” to a kid who heard my keynote last year. Or was in my ENGR 145 class last year.
It mimics my goal of getting a person who listens to my lecture to speaking at my guest lecture for me. Like Dan Ha at MIT when he spoke at a panel pre “VC 65”

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