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In The Media

Early Adopt My YouTube, You Must

by Larry Chiang on May 27, 2015

By Larry Chiang
I have resorted to speaking like Yoda to get you to swallow something. Ingest, engulf and put inside of you a piece of wisdom my mentor gave me; Cross the Chasm from higher ground so you don’t need chasm “escape velocity“. 
Were you crying when you watched Episode III for the 11th time!? Cry with me:
I cry for Anakin. Why won’t Anakin Skywalker fight his mentor from a higher ground position that is an advantage!? 
Cross the Chasm FROM THE RIGHT

Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Talented, smart Jedi’s arrogantly attempt to “cross chasm from left”. Lol, see Anakin lose 3 limbs!!!…


Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang)
Darth Vader is a broken branch. Who did he mentor?! Any mentees!?
Clay Spinuzzi (@spinuzzi)
@LarryChiang Luke was his Hail Mary attempt at getting one.

Hunter Walk (@hunterwalk)
@bfeld mine too – used it to explain why i hate calling VCs “the dark side” [spoiler: makes bad behavior expected]…
Brad Feld (@bfeld)
you know you’ve developed a bad reputation as a VC when people’s response is “I expect them to fuck over everyone involved.”

Charlie O’Donnell (@ceonyc)
@shaig People don’t mentor b/c of financial incentive.

ENGR145’s two anchor videos move you to the right on the entrepreneur bell curve 
is a bit ly I memorized that links to my CTCFTR video
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Founder of “What They Don’t Teach at Business School” for CNN iReport:
Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School about EUTWMPPM @SXSW” comes out 11-11-14
52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old

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