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Frequently Asked Questions over on LinkedIn

by Larry Chiang on April 26, 2024

Frequently asked questions
FAQ, number one
Why do you only have one LinkedIn contact?
We always saw LinkedIn for what it is: people who didn’t want to network trying to distribute resumes to people who did not want to hire them. Remember, delegating distribution is financial death
So we extrapolated the game theory of, “how do we play the algorithm of LinkedIn“. Our answers varied – my answer was 
A question, I posed to myself: “what is the intention of my LinkedIn practice“
Venture capital
FAQ number two. 
Does #duck9 have employees?
The answer to that is the revelation of the simple fact. Small companies pretend to be large, but do large companies pretend to be small. Once you’re a large company, acting large, set a timer for when you die. Remember all arbitrage dies. Every biz dies
Look at startups that pretend to be huge. As per essayist and YCombinator founder, Paul Graham, he states “small companies go so far in mimicking big companies as to also take on the negative connotations of a big company
Such as being largely unresponsive”
I cannot tell you how many times people have said oh duck9 are you the only person that works there?
I think you’re the only person that works there because I see your cell phone number right on the homepage of
FAQ number three
Holy crap are you a VC
If it walks like a duck quacks, like a duck, and recommends that you do ducky things via Dickie, the duck… he’s probably just knowledge activating duck! D. You. See. K.
You see Founders fund is a fund of limited partners
Fund of founders is a fund of founders. Sure I’m the VC with the smallest VC fund in Silicon Valley but count how many millionaires I’ve made with a GuaGuaGuacamole 
He he heee, I have 24 GuaGuaGuacamole recipes
FAQ number four
Is this all a joke?
Answer = set aside your scarcity mindset
Set aside the fact that you’ve never actually had a real world mentor
Now set aside your emo baggage
The reason I’m funny is to ausage your brains, neuroscientific capacity into downloading my mentors, Mark McCormack‘s, recipes from 1983. Yes, that’s where I got GuaGuaGuacamole from.
Is GuaGuaGuacamole funny yes, it’s mother. Scratching, hilarious. Do the 24 GuaGuaGuacamole recipes resonate better than if I were to hard sell you on 24 free recipes from 1983 in a book called *what they don’t teach you at Harvard business school.*
FAQ number five
How do you make money?
Answer would you like to know how I made my first 1000 sticks or my last one stick. One stick is equal to $1 million. 
Check yourself
Did you get emotional just then
This is the reason for my gestalt and syntax. Because everybody gets emotional about money.
I just wish you got emotional about forensic accounting, #StramGT353, cell phone number underwriting, algorithms and notetaking. If you were to get emotional and have a mental release, then you would understand Matt James book, mental, and emotional release.

Larry Chiang, tips 650-283-8008
BASES $100K Startup Challenge Kickoff with LinkedIn and Greylock Partners…
1/18/18, 5:07 PM

WordPress’d from my personal iPhone, 650-283-8008, number that Steve Jobs texted me on

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