(update: These ‘hacks’ all still work. I am open for feedback and questions Lawrence.chiang@gmail.com / larry (at) duck9.com
Larry Chiang is an instructional humorist and has a JBA (Jedi in Business Administration). He will get you your ROI for Stanford before you fly in from Austin, Texas or Naperville, Illinois. After a Harvard Business School event, they wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“. He taught ENGR145 as an EIR and now teaches us how to get three legendary summer internships in a row and also study abroad twice.
Stanford, CALIF. 94305
By Larry Chiang
Every legendary result I have created, I can reverse engineer.
Details are important. Learning from peers is important. Hearing me lecture for an hour is like listening to an engineer who sucks at public speaking. Because I am. And I still do.
For example: 3 Legendary Internships anywhere with any super hot startup:
It took place 11-16-2009
There is 40 more min of content at https://www.duck9.com/bases.htm
Undergrads like Kevin Xu, Enrique Garcia, Tom Anderson
Now, Stanford Students are patient and learn from not only super star professors, but also people that barely made it out of undergrad. Notice, that I took two students who learned super well (Cameron and Stephany) and then installed them at the following year’s “How to get a legendary internship” speech
Please spend 30 minutes now writing down your goal internship for June 2014. Think legendary summer internship.
Remember, if you want to study abroad, do it spring quarter or winter quarter. Why?! Summer in Silicon Valley is too valuable. Oh, also, book a study abroad stint for after you graduate and before you start working.
If you engineer it all out, you should be able to study abroad twice and have three legendary summer internships.
Oh, this year I am not speaking, but if you and at least two freshman study this stuff, and then email me, I will come eat dinner with you at Stern or something. I usually eat at 5, so text me your email address and I will email you
If you want to take a chance on my email, that floods daily, email chiang9 @duck9
dot com.
Here are more undergrads speaking in my place (gawd Im hilarryass because like Tom Sawyer’s fence, I am getting kids to mentor other kids)
Lol, it is a 3 minute keynote where I do not even say my own name.
Lol, it is at SWIB where I offered to be admin ass’t to the 400 women. I offered to get speakers email address and cellphone numbers. It was to help activate the theme of the Stanford Women in Business conference, “I don’t know to CEO”.
Lol, here a bunch of undergrads got VCs to pay to pitch! It was called “Reverse VC” and Kevin Xu spoke, John YS spoke and Amy Saper moderated. It was even co-moderated by tech blogger Anthony Ha!!
(If you want to produce something similar, I open sourced #reverseVC under the Larry Chiang Stanford 100% Affiliate Program. This means you keep 100% of what you ‘kill’. It is slang for you keep it all)
Question: Where did you get all this knowledge that you give out. I hear you’re a legend.
LARRY CHIANG: Umm, thx. But I just regurgitate. I got it from my mentor, Mark McCormack. He helped me a lot when I was an undergrad in engineering. It helped me become a millionaire. He helped me a ton. Me, I am just offering to eat with you. Me?! I am just cranking out this blog post that took me 30 min to copy paste, paste and copy.
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hahahaaa RE 100% affiliate.
How do you make money then??