By Larry Chiang
I am ‘notorious’
But the scandalous thing everyone *thinks* I’m getting away with is so basic.
So common sense.
To think I am breaking the rules simply misses my point.
My point = simple.
Get the knowledge of a class before you go to that class. Read ahead. As engineers, Fin 254 is a finance class we can understand because it’s like retarded calculus. For high schoolers.
I even recommend getting the knowledge of an entire degree before you go. For example: business school. We as engineers can take an MBA as independent study. Business school and the knowledge of accounting, finance, financial engineering and networking are all invaluable. Paying $$$ and going into debt is not a good idea
I eat my own Gua Gua Guacamole.
I’m paying a kid who took cs106A to teach me CS106A before I take CS106A with Jerry Cain
Ya know what it takes to get an MBA. A library card, also known as your Stanford student ID. Good luck getting the knowledge of a thing before you enroll in that thing.
Yes it applies to my class too: ENGR 145. At MIT Engineering School, see Jacob Cole
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Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-12
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