“Going From Zero to One is 800 Times More Complicated When Going Zero to FICO Score 800″
Entrepreneurship education is best inside of an engineering school at Stanford. Yes, I know about Harvard– I wrote for Harbus there. Yes, I know about Wharton– I lecture there. Yes I know about Stanford Business School! True story, Stanford engineering is best for entrepreneurship education.
Truth #2 That’s Difficult to Swallow.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Hollywood, #SiliconValley, #NYFW, your FICO. What’s real? What’s being sold to you? #cs183duck9, bc its complicated pic.twitter.com/MI47nZOcCK
Truth #3 That’s Difficult to Swallow: There is such a thing as a fakO credit score.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
She’s All That!, #SiliconValley, your fakO. What’s real? What’s being sold to you? #cs183duck9, bc its complicated pic.twitter.com/zjB6GD5fus
A fakO score is not a fico score but it pretends to be. [Photo credit at nyfw Patrick McMullan]
#cs183duck9 entails me texting you the 14-20 relevant blog posts out of 3,000+ Duck9 blog posts. What I do is pattern recognize what form of fico score zero you are. And then get you a plan to go from “zero to 800”
CEO of Duck9, Larry (@6502838008) | |
CS 183 @Stanford class that outlines going zero to One.
@duck9, bc Deep Underground Credit Knowledge 9 #cs183duck9 pic.twitter.com/TsReXFEgiR |
Jeremy Toeman said, “Try doing a 3m demo at CES 9 hrs/day, 4 days. To people mostly looking for free pens!
Roy Bahat “It is really hard to repeat yourself without getting bored. It helps to vary things, a bit, each time.”
CEO of Duck9, Larry (@6502838008) | |
#cs183creditScore ~> #cs183duck9 [-: FICO score starting is *NOT* what it appears to be! pic.twitter.com/PRtFfmW0xt
Circling back to Truth #1 That’s Difficult to Swallow.
Crossing the Chasm From The Right (CTCFTR) via Larry Chiang’s #ENGR145 https://t.co/p5BdArfm7m
— Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) August 3, 2016
Stanford Engr 145 (Tech Entrepreneurship #ENGR145) https://t.co/Gh5BJ3pnRX
Stanford University entrepreneurship education is the best. Yup, it’s inside of the engineering school.— Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) August 3, 2016