By Larry Chiang
The power of the API is untapped
I tap that.
Not as well as Oren Michaels taps that. But at 4 or 5% Oren Michaels, I’m still pretty potent.
I won’t expand on what an Application Protocol Interface is or expound on the MIT street smart genius of Oren Michaels.
But I will reveal something from your future, my future and my mentors (Mark McCormack’s past): wedging in an external API
Externally forcing in an API is like crashing a party and becoming VIP (another mark McCormack recipe I broke down and reversed engineer as Gua Gua Guacamole recipe #?)
External API’s will be examined in three cases — one of them being a LABCS (live action business case study)
Case one/
FICO has the opposite of an API
“Instead, Fair Isaac has an Obfuscate Protocol Interface”
— Larry Chiang
The answer…
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Wedge IN External API
#ENGR145 |
Duck9 reverse engineered the fico algorithm and via the 11:11 updates and open sourced the External API
Any college student with my cell phone can text message interface with the fico credit grid (time on the x axis, Trans Union Equifax Experian on the Y-axis, on time payments on the z-axis
Instead of obfuscation, there is clarity
Question: do all companies have an API party you can crash?
LARRY CHIANG answer: You kinda need a big huge brain
But here is an example that is more sexy and tactile! Yes, I make Computer Science sexy
I will reveal an example of Wedging in an API so you can protocol interface in a sexy method. So you can crash a party. Literally.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Old way: wait around for permission
Old way: wait for committees to meet about meeting
Larry Chiang way: just do.
Baby Step Execute your entrepreneurship practice by observing mine
Guardsmen hosts a party called a Bachelor Auction. Three members run it. It’s a legendary annual event. They do not have an API. Think Union Club but younger (I can’t say whether I’m a member or not but suffice that if I were, I would not be Protocol Interfacing about our inner sanctum practices 😉
My protocol interface is
1/ pre promote their event as a ticket paying member of the public
2/ protocol interface by blogging and pre promoting their public information and public press releases
3/ distribution hack the beejezus out of it w/ 2 or 3 undergrad Stanford engineers who #EUTWMPPM
4/ calculate that since the event is July 25, doing a pre-sale would help
5/ read which 501c3 benefits RIGHT ON THEIR WEBSITE
6/ sell something super valuable and have 100% of the proceeds go to said 501c3 charity (#ENIENO
I track
Every Nickel In. Every Nickel Out.
7/ Sell the “Larry Chiang Gossip Girl NY Fashion Week Experience at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week” at ‘Larry Chiang NYFW Sept 10-21, 2014.
8/ I’m a supermodel with knowledge of App Protocol Interfacing with a face you’ve seen on Fortune brand print ads
9/ Buy more legit tix to the July 25 event and give them away to hawt women with an LCRRM (Larry Chiang reverse rebate model where if the hot girl doesn’t show up, she loses her deposit*)
*Not to be confused with a sexPosit (that’s a deposit you lose if you’re crashing in my room at a tech conference. And you have sex with me or mouth rape me in my sleep– not cool girls. I won’t press charges but I will keep your sexPosit)
Wedging in a External API without having to ask for permission or forgiveness is also possible for Silicon Valley tech companies like UberCab (now known as just “UBER” 🙂
Read how here
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
Live Action Business Case Study #LABCS #LABCS3366 is Uber. I’m counting down to #1
Download the official Live Action, Business Case Study 3366 via hashtags here
They cost $220 per case. PayPal me at
Jk, they’re free :-))
This ENGR145 video is worth $220 bit is free too
CEO of Duck9
Stanford University Entrepreneur in Residence, Emeritus
Duck9 = “Deep Underground Credit Knowledge” 9
125 University Avenue/ 100
Palo Alto CA 94301
650-566-9696 (direct)
650-283-8008 (cell)
Editor of the BusinessWeek Channel “What They Don’t Teach at Business School”
CNN Video Channel:
Read my last 10 tweets at
Author, NY Times Bestseller
“What They Will NEVER Teach You at Stanford Business School” comes out 11-11-14
52 Cards. Two Jokers. What They DO Teach You at Stanford Engineering
Emergency swings and cutting deals as an 9 year old
Duck9 is part of UCMS Inc.