Larry Chiang has parlayed a 2008 book report on his mentor’s books into a media firestorm. After a Harvard Business School event, they wrote: “What They Don’t Teach You at Stanford Business School“. He now blogs at Harvard’s Harbus. How in the world!? Because at Stanford, what they used to not teach, they now do teach. In the engineering school! Enjoy hacking startups and setting the bell curve for your E145 startup in this post:
By Larry Chiang
My mentor is Mark McCormack. He passed away in 2003 so he cannot mentor you E145 students. ENGR 145 is Technology Entrepreneurship. It’s all open source so feel free to study along with me. When I say study along… I mean execute, study, read, study, re-read, text me, re-google-Then-read, note-take, track, text-me-some-progress. Execute, study, re-read. Execute some more.
Majority of execution is getting revenue. Majority of benefit from ENGR 145 is practicing execution. On the left side of the entrepreneur bell curve, there is analysis, paralysis and a bunch of useless internal deliverables. External deliverables = sales.
Larry Chiang (@LarryChiang) | |
First day of ENGINEERING 145. So excited!!! #ENGR145
Jealous u can’t go to HBS?? #Self-Study |
Execution via sales helps you set the bell curve.
/1/ Google EURVMM
it’s a subroutine. A hashtag is a subroutine to execute #EURVMM
/2/ setting the bell curve involves a dozen other subroutines